“Talking with my Dad” the play’s setting

Talking with My Dad, a one-act play, takes place entirely in a hospital room at our fictional St. Francis Hospital.

A hospital room can be one of the coldest, loneliest places on earth, especially for a patient wondering if he will live to see the next morning , as is our main character Frankie Casafranc.

Of the many indignities about being in a hospital room is the always joked about hospital gown everyone is required to wear. The gown that literally strips you naked of anything that reminds you of who you are outside the confines of this supposedly caring prison.

A hospital room can be a cold and lonely place.
A hospital room can be a cold and lonely place.

Then there is the constant noise of monitors, oxygen and all the other accouterments that come with modern medicine. And the staffers coming and going at all hours, pricking you, sticking you, examining and re-examining.

Anyone who comes to visit you is thrust into this world and immediately becomes uncomfortable as well. All in all, not a pleasant world to stay in for even a day, let alone an entire weekend as does our main character Frankie.

Come see how he reacts and how those around him try to care for him, even in his darkest moments, in Talking with My Dad. Simply click here to buy tickets for one of our six performances Nov. 15-16, and Nov. 22-23.

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